Anger Rising...

Had my follow up appointment number 23849728053780465 today for my pelvic pain. It started last Tuesday with cramps that just were so uncomfortable. I just didn't feel myself. Of course, the doctor though it was my period coming on... rest... pain killer... blah blah. Went back on Friday after waking up with pelvic pain in my left side radiating to my leg. Guess what, ANOTHER CYST! More rest, pain meds and follow up today.

Since Friday I've been online and on message boards and reading books about PCOS. I discussed some options with my husband and we concluded that maybe I need a regular routine again. Going to bed at the same time, waking up at the same time, taking meds at the same time, planning meals, regular exercise. It's what was recommended when I was first trying to get pregnant with Bella. It apparently worked then because I was pregnant about 5 weeks into my "treatment" and while I was pregnant, I only gained 28 pounds and lost it all by 6 weeks postpartum. I also was able to continue to lose weight after having Bella. We talked to the doctor about it and got the explanation that with modern medicine, insurance wouldn't support a regular routine without scientific proof. Um... ok. The cyst is now gone, but I continue to have pain. It's possibly that it burst and there's fluid where there shouldn't be. Or, maybe I have bowel issues and need to see a gasterointerologist. OK, wait, weren't we just talking about possible alternatives to making my problem go away? Grrrrr!!!

So.... now I'm going to see my PCP for an opinion on my current treatment. I'm also going to see a gasterointerologist to either rule out or diagnose bowel problems. That's actually not the first time I've heard of bowel problems. During an ultrasound in October 2009, the tech mentioned that I had a large amount of bowel in the way. Who knows.

Friday I am going to reiterate to my doctor the need for some kind of answer. Not just an anti-inflammatory injection and a "hummm?" sound.

Personally, I'd like to try a scheduled routine for a few months just to see if there's any changes. It's worth it instead of more medications, injections and pain. I don't see what the big deal is. My job probably won't like it, though. But, to improve my quality of life, I need to take a different approach here since surgery, medications and countless trips to the doctors office have me at the same place I was when this started in June 2009.


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