Cuts you up

Four days since surgey on Monday and I'm still very uncomfortable. It's at least a tolerable pain, now, though, but still sucks!

Monday we got to the hospital at 10 and went to pre admit, then to amit, then to a room. Waited in said room for about na hour during which I got to strip down and put on this lovely plastic gown and smelled like a medical strorage room. Yum! Got asked a milllion questions that had been asked at my pre anesthesia and my pre surgery appointments. Then wheeled to the pre op room. (Thank god they didn't make me walk across the hospital in that god awful gown!) Met my nurse, answered more questions, put on a sexy beret, got an IV, and then it was surgery time. I got hella nervous. They wheeled me into the OR and had me roll over onto the operating table. Hell, if I was only a little nervous before, I was ready to piss myself nervous now. Some "relaxation" medicine into the IV, some oxygen, then, I was out. Time to get on with the hysteroscopy, laparoscopy and the D & C. Joy!!

I woke up in the recovery room. As soon as I opened my eyes, it was a "ok, get up and get changed and we'll call your husband." When they say outpatient, they mean OUT patient. Ha!My husband was lucky enough to get to see the pictures after surgery, but I have to wait 'til Tuesday. Apparently I had A LOT of scar tissue. My doctor and the assisting surgeon said it was the most they had seen. My husband said that in the picture, my left ovary was covered with scar tissue. I also had a few cysts removed from the right ovary. My husband said it looked like about 7 - 8 burn marks of different sizes on the right ovary. My right ovary was still relatively healthly despite the cysts. I can't wait to see the pictures on Tuesday. Maybe the amount of scar tissue explains why I'm still in a little pain. Thank god I got two weeks off work to recover. I'm ready to be better and be moving around more already!

I feel like the surgery was a success. Now we just have to wait and see if my periods go back to normal. I wonder what the next step is. I know I'll probably have to have another HSG test done in about 3 months if I'm still not back to normal.

I think it's time for another percocet... Hahaha! We'll see what I find out on Tuesday!


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