Feelin Good

I've been feeling great the last two days! It's about damn time! I'm still a little tired and irritable, but I've got my aches under control. I got my hair cut today and I'll probably give myself a pedicure after Bella goes to bed. We also have the new episode of Spartacus to catch up on. Yay!

I figured I'd archive some of my recipes as I make them. I've got quite the repertoire going, I think. And I use just about all the things I buy with coupons. I'll try to include prices to see how it is possible to save money and cook yummy.

So, for today... This morning we had French Toast Casserole. What you're going to need:

loaf of cinnamon bread, white bread or wheat bread (i get mine at the bakery outlet. the cinnabon bread that is almost $3 at Fry's comes out to about $1 at the bakery outlet. I buy in bulk, use coupons, and freeze)
4 eggs (on sale for 89cents a dozen)
canned milk or your favorite coffee creamer (16cents a can of carnation or 50cents for coffee mate each on sale with coupons)
cinnamon (you can usually get the small grinders free on sale with a coupon)
nutmeg (this should always be in your cupboard if you cook)
butter (I use whatever is free when it's on sale with coupons)
brown sugar (usually $1 a bag on sale)

grease an 8x8 casserole dish and heat your oven to 350

beat the eggs, milk/coffee mate, cinnamon and nutmeg

line the casserole with slices of bread and pour egg mixture over bread. alternate bread layer and egg mixture until the casserole dish is full.

carefully spread butter on top of the whole sha-bang and then pour and press brown sugar into the top.

bake for about 30 minutes or until it's all bubbly and the smell in the house is making your mouth water.

refrigerate left overs and reheat and top with vanilla ice cream for dessert.

In the over currently is my Baked Macaroni and Cheese! Your ingredients...

3/4 box of macaroni (free with coupon and sale)
3 tablespoons of butter (again free)
3 tablespoons flour ($1 a bag on sale)
3 cups milk (using that cheap 16cent canned milk again!)
1 egg
2 cups sharp cheddar cheese ($1 on sale and with a coupon)
breadcrumbs or stuffing mix (stuffing mix was free)
bacon bits ($1 on sale) or anything else you want to add in for flavor
Parmesan cheese or extra cheddar cheese

boil your m
acaroni al dente

heat oven to 350 and grease an 8x8 casserole

use butter and flour to make a rue. after whisking rue for about 5 minutes, add milk and simmer for 10 minutes while stirring occasionally.

whisk egg into rue mixture and add 2 cups cheese. stir until all melty and thick

drain pasta and toss with cheese mixture. add bacon bits (or ham or chicken or tomatoes) and pour into casserole

top with dry stuffing mix and cheese and bake for about 30 minutes or until top is golden brown

Here's what it will turn out like (not my pic, but a good example):

Hope you enjoyed today's recipe recap. I'm curious what I'll make this week....


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