
Yup, it came as a surprise. I went in for check up with my doctor since I hadn't been since October. It was nice getting through the holidays without worrying about my condition or new prescriptions or anything else. Apparently it was so nice that my body decided to start ovulating on its own and get pregnant.

Unfortunately, I'm considered at a high risk for miscarriage given that I have PCOS and had much difficulty getting pregnant. I have to go back weekly for blood draws and ultrasounds. That makes me nervous. I was told to call if I had any cramping or bleeding and was put on Prometruim, a progesterone prescription.

Of course, yesterday was my first bad day. I woke up feeling blah. I had felt a little blah on Super Bowl Sunday, but I chalked that up to working past midnight that morning. Monday I woke up nauseous and lightheaded. I didn't want to get out of bed and was cranky. Not that unusual. After nap time, I showered to get ready for work and started to have stabbing pains in my sides and bad cramps. I continued to get ready for work and ignored it a little bit. Finally, I talked to Mark and decided to call the doctor. They scheduled me to come in the next day (today) and took a message for the doctor. I waited until the doctor called back. They couldn't tell what was wrong over the phone, but told me to take it easy and they'd see me tomorrow. My appointment wasn't til 2, so I figured I'd be OK to go to work and then go on my lunch break.

This morning wasn't that great either. I was still lightheaded and felt nauseous and was still cramping. I started to worry more, so I called the doctor to get in sooner. I went in for an ultrasound and the baby was OK. They are thinking my pains and cramps may be from scar tissues and muscles moving out of place since I had surgery not that long ago. It hasn't been quite 6 months since that surgery. As for the lightheaded and nauseous feeling, they're taking me off the Prometrium and seeing how I do. If the symptoms go away, then it was probably the medicine. If not, they're going to monitor me a little bit. It could just me my increased cardiovascular function from being pregnant, but they want to be safe.

So, tomorrow, I'm going to head to work armed with Tylenol since that seems to help the pain and cramping. I just need to keep eating my small snacks and keep up my protein, since that seems to curb the nausea. On the bright side, I get to go back to my regular OB in 5 weeks. Once I'm 12 weeks in, the risk should be gone. I just hope this is an easy pregnancy. I'm due September 27, only 5 days after Bella was due. Bella is excited to have a little bother or sister. She keeps asking when the baby is coming out!

Well, wish me luck and I'll update you soon again!


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