Holy Crap, it's December already!!!

Monday was Bella's first day of preschool. I thought I was going to cry, but all went perfectly well. Bella was happy and had fun. It was Wednesday and Friday that the tears came, but from Bella's end. It's still very new to her and she's also getting used to the schedule. One good thing is that she's started napping again. Yay! We all need a nap in this house. Some more than others, but at least we all get to take a snooze each day.

Bella only has two more weeks before her winter break. Then, when she goes back in January, I'll also be back at work. I'm kinda looking forward to work because I think I need a mommy break, but I will admit that I'm ready for a job change. I'm a little anxious about January, but it's just one more thing to triumph over before we plan for the next best thing. Maybe a good vacation soon enough.

Anywhoo... Bella really likes school despite a little anxiety over mom and dad not being with her. She gets to be in the same class as her cousin, so she at least had a friend before she even started. She's made friends the kids and absolutely adores her teacher. The teacher is super sweet and makes me feel comfortable leaving a crying Bella behind for a few hours each week.

You know, I just realized that everything I type is underlined and I have no idea how it got that way or how to turn it off. Bear with me and maybe I'll make this quick....

In the world of Logan, he's still a little reflux baby. Boo! I don't think I've blogged about that fun yet. It started when he was about 6 weeks old. He was spitting up a whole lot and crying as he ate and just really uncomfortable. All babies have reflux and it varies from just a little normal spit up to spit up that causes them to not gain weight. Logan is right in the middle of the spectrum. He is able to gain weight, but is really uncomfortable with the reflux. We go though tons of bibs and burp cloths each day and changes of clothing as well. Logan even gained a whole lot of weight before the doctor prescribed Zantac since eating was the way he coped with the reflux pain. He was doing a whole lot better, but since his 12 week growth spurt, I think his Zantac needs to be reevaluated for a little bit bigger dose. The last few days he's been super fussy and super super spitty again. He's got a nice little neck rash going. It's going to be bath night tonight!

As for me, my biggest accomplishment is that I can fit into my prepregnancy clothes, namely, my skinny jeans! I set the goal of Christmas time for me to lose a little more weight and I met that goal. I'll still have to deal with my large caboose (good thing it's a nice caboose) and my extra belly skin (especially from my C section), but that's a small price to pay for two absolutely gorgeous kids!

It's about time to wrap it up. I have dinner to make and a Christmas tree to put up. And it's getting cold outside so I think I see some hot chai in my future.

I'll show my tree when it's all done!

Keep warm my lovelies and keep reading!


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