Well.... I've been busy. And lousy at posting. OK , just lousy. Forgive me. The shot of Toridol I got at the end of September really helped! In two days, I was pain free and able to go back to work. I tried another round of Provera to bring on a period and then was sort of talked into trying Clomid again, since after the surgery, we may have more luck. The Provera and Clomid have started making me nauseous a lot and I've lost about 9 pounds this month. I also have been reading that nausea is another symptom often related to PCOS . It's NOT the metformin as I'm on the extended release and have had no problems with metformin for months. I'm also NOT pregnant as I have yet to ovulate since the surgery. Nausea can be caused by cysts, which I'm not 100% sure I have again, but it is likely. After the last round of Clomid , I had follicles on each ovary, but none big enough to trigger ovulation, so the follicles may have developed into cysts again. At least I...
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