Don't make plans when you're busy living life

I had my perfect day off outlined in my head this morning...

Drop kids off at school.... Hit the gym... Pay some bills... Take a shower and then a nap.

I'm certain that by now you've guessed that has not at all happened. Well, I did get the bills paid finally at least.

My rough and tough little boy took a fall yesterday and woke up this morning with his knee bruised and swollen and limping around. Alright, he did milk it for all it was worth, but we decided to play it safe and hit urgent care. HOURS later, we confirm it's just badly bruised and he needs to keep it wrapped and ice it for a few days.

Now I'm on my third load of laundry and need to pick up my Angel from school. I also have yet for that steamy shower. Don't worry, I've kissed the nap goodbye.



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