My wings will pull me up into the sky

"The feelings I have will haunt me 'til I'm mad"

It takes a cold, rainy, gloomy day to throw my universe back into alignment. Maybe not totally, but it's well on its way to being repaired. Each day is a fresh start, right? I just need to keep that in mind. I also have coffee dates planned, cookies to sell and a To Do list to knock the fuck out, which should all keep me in line.

I will report that after nearly two weeks of utter crap with La Paloma Academy, my wonderful daughter is able to transfer to Sonoran Science Academy. This lifted a lot of the weight on my wings. I know no school is perfect, but with the rigorous academics and the inclusion of parent involvement, my gut tells me this is the right move.

Of course, there are still decisions to be made and forward progression to take note of. But, today, I'm in a far better place than I was yesterday. And I didn't even need a Xanax!

I need to finish enjoying the rain and the cold and the dark, light a candle and project positivity for the days to come. Also, there's hot chocolate in my near future. Nights like this call for hot chocolate. And snuggles. But, I'm happy with hot chocolate for now.


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