Birthday Month day 13

Today was shit from the start, no matter how hard I tried. My doctor appointment was rushed, so I didn't get my B12 shot, nor did I get to ask many questions. Silver lining... I got leave of absence paperwork completed and got my handicap placard paperwork sent in. Yeah, I dislike driving lately and have a hard time walking around when I'm running errands. Not sure if it'll help, but I'll take closer parking.

Leave of absence company called me after receiving paperwork so quickly and my case manager was an ass. Condescending wanker. Basically told me they needed to call my doctor for medical evidence that I needed to be on leave. And now I have to see if my specialist is going to recommend surgery, which will ultimately push my leave through. It's safe to say that id put money on going under the knife soon.

Midday goes fine. I'm over the morning.

Then, I pick my kids up and the fun begins. I'm heading toward an intersection to turn right, going to another appointment for my daughter. The asshole behind me apparently has diarrhea and almost rear ends me trying to get into the turning lane first. I serve a little to avoid him, then try to get in the turning lane with a tail of traffic behind me. It's windy as fuck, and one of those plastic "Road Work Ahead" signs blows over into the road, so I swerve again to go around it while trying not to get rear ended. I guess the metal part of the sign punctured my tire as I Mario Carted into the turning lane. I pull over. Back right tire is flat to the rim. Ok, no biggie, just need another set of hands to get the donut on and be on my way. But wait! What's that hiss? The front tire is slowly going flat too. But, what a turn of luck! A police officer is driving by! Yeah, exactly! Driving. By. Ok, ok, don't panic. Kids are getting squirrelly. Husband is 45 minutes away. Oh! Another police car, with the window down, driving slowly. Yay! Help! Help... driving by, making eye contact,  seeing my hazard lights... driving past... turning.... driving away!!! What?!?! Two police officers. Just. Past. Me.

I'm over it. We're home now, safe in bed. Car has fresh tires thanks to a speedy tow truck and superb warranties from the tire shop. I'm stressed and tired and now trying everything to prevent a pain flare. I work tomorrow and have fun plans for the weekend. I've got a glass of wine, my cozy robe and my knight in shinning armor to tell me it's all going to be OK.

I have plenty of silver linings to look to. We're safe. Tomorrow is a new day. And.... I got to say goodnight to my niece and talk to my sister and brother in law! I've missed them so much! Today couldn't possibly be all bad. Hope (my niece) was the little bit of hope I needed to end the day.  ❤


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