Latina , hippie, goth mom of two traveling through life with endometriosis, fibromyalgia, and super shitty migraines. Believe me, it all works out in the end.
Birthday Month Day Two
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I've decided this morning that all I want to do is immerse myself in music and art and books. Basically, all the things that make me happy and make me forget how afraid I am.
My workout motivation just arrived last night by the case full. Girl Scout Cookie season is in full swing and I love Thin Mints as much as I love drinking and cursing. So, that's an awful lot. If you'd like to support some awesome little ladies and remove just a small box of temptation from my presence, hit me up. I'd be glad to get you your fix. And maybe I'll let you chase my toddler to burn a few calories. That's what I did this morning.
That episode of Sponge Bob where Sponge Bob and Patrick are selling chocolate bars and that one crazy fish dude is chasing them and yelling "Chocolate!" I'm the crazy fish dude. But I have an accomplice. I guess hump day really needs to happen...... If you know what I mean.
Well.... I've been busy. And lousy at posting. OK , just lousy. Forgive me. The shot of Toridol I got at the end of September really helped! In two days, I was pain free and able to go back to work. I tried another round of Provera to bring on a period and then was sort of talked into trying Clomid again, since after the surgery, we may have more luck. The Provera and Clomid have started making me nauseous a lot and I've lost about 9 pounds this month. I also have been reading that nausea is another symptom often related to PCOS . It's NOT the metformin as I'm on the extended release and have had no problems with metformin for months. I'm also NOT pregnant as I have yet to ovulate since the surgery. Nausea can be caused by cysts, which I'm not 100% sure I have again, but it is likely. After the last round of Clomid , I had follicles on each ovary, but none big enough to trigger ovulation, so the follicles may have developed into cysts again. At least I...
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