March 11th, 2019

This week I'm focusing on moving forward. Even with the beginning of a new month, I have felt stagnant and unable to step out of my comfort zone. I don't like always being in my comfort zone because my heart and mind long for so much more. 

It's amazing how things work themselves out once you relinquish your hold on correcting them. Sometimes a deep breath and stopping in the moment is all it takes. Now, I think I am able to take better hold of my health, even if there is still a rough road to travel. I can see how all things are connected and I have a plan to make it over that hump. My goal is to have both my migraines and my leg pain well controlled by June. 

First, I am trying new meds and starting physical therapy again. I am back on muscle relaxers to stop a lot of the spasming in my hips. It has helped tremendously in the last few days. I am also back to wearing this cursed abdominal binder. I never wear it long after surgery because it's uncomfortable. My doctor encouraged me to wear it to help my belly button heal better and to help with the swelly belly I am so used it. I researched what the benefits are and I'm kinda sold. It'll be worth the discomfort if it helps me get to where I want to be. 

I also went in for an occipital nerve black this morning, which I was very unsure of. But, again, since both issues are linked, I have to be willing to try things and figure out what works and what doesn't. At first, the nerve block didn't feel any different. I got poked about 24 times in the head with a 30g needle. Don't worry, needles don't scare me. I barely felt a thing. I barely felt a thing when the injections were done. After about 2 minutes and a few deep breaths, I felt like a lot of the pressure in my head was released. Since this morning, I have felt a sort of "tickle" in my scalp that was relaxing as hell. My only wish is that I could feel the same in my upper back. 

Which brings me to my next step. I am dedicating more time each day to stretching and attempting to relax my muscles. This should also help me get back to walking again. I oiled the belt in the treadmill so I can get back to it. I miss that little bit of time when I could just zone our and clear my mind or makes sense of the noise in my head. Those serotonin dumps are amazing.  

Next, I have joined an online coaching and support group program that is focused on nutrition, exercise and stress reduction. It's a 16 week program that I am hoping will keep me focused and, in the end, provide some pain relief. Today I started the program and the first focus is on nutrition. My coach has already talked to me about the importance of an anti-inflammatory diet. Basically, back to low carb eating and increasing fruit, veggies, lean meats and healthy fats. I'm all in. I just need to figure out easier dinners for those late nights that we're at games. My insta-pot will definitely be getting used more. I'm going to make a list of things to make during spring break to ensure we have healthy meals on hand. Stopping for food after a game is quite easy, but not healthy for any of us. 

Lastly, I want to shift my focus back to doing things for others. I have a few projects I'm working on for the PTO as well as for sports booster. I hope to use this as a stepping stone for my career. I have given lots of thought to working with a non-profit or for teaching. Both would be rewarding and a great use of my skill set. I guess we can wait and see what the future holds. 

Last lastly, I think I will be integrating my other blog project with this one. I have struggled with separation of my interests off and on for a while. In the end, I usually end up combining things, because they are all a part of a whole: me. I don't want to categorize things because all those individual things have equal importance and play in my life, Hopefully this means that I will be writing and posting more, like I have been wanting to. 

I must bid you adieu. I need a snack before I get the nuggets from school. I have a honeycrisp apple with my name on it in the fridge and a new jar of natural peanut butter begging to be spooned into my mouth!


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