This week we choose love

"Love is in, hate is out"

My daughter wrote that on our to-do white board. I told her we're adopting that as our mantra this week. We will choose love and will do things with love in mind.

We had an amazing spring break. We didn't travel or really do too much, but we were together, which was what we needed. We got to be outside a lot, which was amazing. I grew to love morning coffee on the patio with all my plants and the company of the birds and hummingbirds that came to the feeder we put up. We also have plans to spruce up the patio a bit more by adding curtains to block the summer sun and a rug to make it a little more cozy. We are also just counting down until we can put the pool up, but I think we can wait til May. 

This week has already been busy and will keep being busy, but we have all been ready for it. Yesterday was errand day to get things ready for our Coffee with the PTO event that was this morning. It was an easy event to put on and I think it engaged the parents more. I'm looking forward to doing it again because we need all the help we can get and, well, I love coffee. 

Friday we have our first boys soccer game. My husband has been super excited to  be coaching a soccer team! I've been helping out with practice when I can. I've also been maintaining share sites for both the soccer and basketball teams and getting a sports booster up and running. It takes a lot of time and work, but it's fun to do. Plus, it makes me happy. I think I got stuck too long in an "unhappy" work environment trying to hold together a sinking ship. There was only so much I could do to help others with one arm tied behind me. When the focused turned away from helping my team, that's when I really lost interest. 

This is so not an exciting blog post, I know. It has let me outline some of the things I love, aligning it with this week's focus. I'll be sharing another "adventure" post here soon. Stay tuned!


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