Elf on the Shelf, day 3

So, last Friday, we got an Elf on the Shelf after a week of hellacious bed time battles. At first, Bella hated it. She wanted to know why Santa just couldn't watch her and she had to take an elf home. Then, she finally came around and picked up her room and helped around the house because she wanted a good report. We had a really good weekend with the elf around.

Now, I need some ideas on what to do with Aiden the Elf. The little stinker ate my marshmallows already! I need to start taking pictures of him. I'm also "pinteresting" some elf ideas for the week. I will try to update on how we're doing behavior wise. I think it's going to work! I sure hope so! I need to keep my little angels little angels.

Stay tuned for more elf updates!


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