Elf on the Shelf Day 4

Apparently Aiden the Elf has a sweet tooth. He really is a big help around here. Bed times have gone much much more smoothly! Too bad Logan is too little to understand that he's being watched! Maybe he wouln't pull hair so much... 

I also had a break through with Bella eating breakfat this morning! I've been trying to get her to beat the timer so she could have a treat after she eats breakfast and gets ready. (This kid needs incentive to eat, so a Hershey's Kiss is what she gets. We did discuss this with the pediatrician and she agreed that it's OK. Long story... ) Well, she cannot beat the kitchen timer no matter what. She can easily drag a bowl of cereal out over 30 minutes. And I don't let her watch TV or do anything else in the morning. So, today, I found her hour glass in her bedroom. I decided to use it as a visual timer to finish breakfast and it worked! She ate quickly and got ready for school! Holy Cow! I'll have to blog about our mealtime battles to clue you in. 

Anywhoo... I'm also working on writing my story about my battles with PCOD and PAD. (polycystic ovarina disease and pelvic adhesive disease) It's been an ongoing process and it's getting quite lenghty. I'll post when it's all done. Just bare with me, it is the craziest month of the year. 


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