Elf on the Shelf Day 5

Oh little elf, you are so awesome. I could sing your praises all day. Yesterday, Bella was in awe that the elf could get up to the ceiling. She was super aware that she was being watched, so she cleaned her room without anyone asking again! She even made her bed and set out her PJ's for night time! Her room looked like I had just gotten done in there! Bella also did her homework without a complaint. Although, she was a bit bratty in the evening, playing with the car door locks during a trip to Target. But, when she had lost bedtime story privileges, she was OK with it since the elf was watching! No scream fest without a story last night! Wheee!!!

As for me, I'm getting ready to celebrate 5 weeks post hysterectomy tomorrow! I'm feeling great! I still have icky feeling days, but those don't bother me too much. I can wear jeans now and it feels like a lot of swelling in my belly is gone! I can't wait to get back to running and back to work in another week! I still may have some bumps in the road ahead, but I haven't felt this good in a long time! I'd rather face a challenge feeling good than feeling like I'm on the floor. 

Until tomorrow... Let's see where that pesky elf ends up!


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