Hello New Year, Bye Bye Tonsils!

We've started off this year with a BANG! Well, kind of. I guess? I don't do resolutions. But, I did set new ground rules for behavior around here. 

Bella had been getting a weekly allowance since she was 3 for doing chores around the house. Lately, the allure of doing chores for allowance has diminished and the Christmas brattiness had been setting in. I came up with a new plan as of New Years. For every time Bella acts up, has a tantrum (apparently she hasn't outgrown these) or talks back, she loses a toy. I keep a big box in a storage area to put them in. For each day she completes her chores (usually only on Wednesdays and Sundays), she gets to get a toy back. Plus, at the end of the month, if she had done her chores and hasn't lost too many more toys, she gets an allowance. She seems to like this idea so far and hasn't lost many toys this year yet. 

As for her brother, he's still too little to understand a lot of rules. But, we do make him pick up his toys and we do correct him for hair pulling and getting into things that he shouldn't get into. Bella doesn't quite understand that he's not old enough for punishment, but I guess it is what it is for now. 

Aside from all that jazz, Bella had her tonsils out yesterday. We thought it would go terribly, but this kid is a trooper. Of course she cried before the surgery, but after she was fine. She hasn't lost her voice and has already asked for french fries, so I think she's going to be a quick healer. I was hoping she wouldn't have so much energy, but I guess I should be grateful she isn't in bed moaning in pain. I just have to keep reminding her no rough playing or jumping for dancing around for the next two weeks. That's going to be hard. She's already in her dress up shoes playing school. 

As for me, I'm going nuts with my late party planning. Can you believe I haven't even sent out my invitations? I'm still waiting to get the rest that I ordered in the mail. At least we've started shopping for things. I think we just need plates and forks and a few more table covers and we'll be done. I'm keeping it simple this time. I just want to enjoy and not stress, which is much easier said than done for me.

With that, I must leave you. I have to address the small handful of invites I do have since I have a little bit of time now. 


And don't forget to like my new Facebook page, Dollie Saves


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