My new goals for the year

Let me start by saying that I DO NOT make New Years Resolutions. Why bother when most people make them, then break them. Plus, I'm all about action and not resolution. If I want to do something, I'm going to do it. I wish more people followed this mindset. 

Moving on. Last Spring, I started walking. Then, come May, had surgery. But, by Summer I was walking and even running. My jeans had started to fit loose and I was happy. Then, come fall it was surgery time again and then came the hysterectomy (of which my belly still swells from). I spent the better part of 4 months in sweat pants and not because I was still running. But, since I made it clear to myself that I would be free of this mess come January, here it is, the last day of January and I'm one month free of shitty health. I'm not in pain. I'm not scared or sad. I have come to accept that I will have PCOD all my life and I just have to deal with it. It puts me at higher risk for diabetes, heart disease, etc. It makes working out difficult since too since exercise can unbalance my hormones (which the nice, red acne I've sprouted the last week is proof of). Given that, I've started walking again and watching what I eat (and not just as  it goes into my mouth). I'm not in it for weight loss; I'm in it to keep myself healthy. The longer I can stay away from the issues that have plagued me for the last 3 years, the happier I'll be.

So, in the last week, I have lost 3 pounds. I was surprised. I feel better and I even eat a little better on my cheat days without even trying. I have a physical in April and I'm hoping that my blood work comes back fantastic! I'm sure it will. I just have to keep up with what I've started and know that I will do it. YES, I WILL DO IT! I will be happy and healthy and stay that way! 

Live fabulous, my friends. I know I am!


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