I fell in love more than once with this man...

My husband and I celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary on December 27th, 2012. We've been together just about since I graduated high school, though. It doesn't seem like that long, but it's a good portion of my life that I wouldn't change for all the chocolate in the world or all the vodka in Russia.

Now I'm not going to go into the cliche, we've been through good times and bad because that in inevitable in every relationship. Plus, I really hate when people say that crap because if you didn't have good times and bad times in a relationship, than you probably didn't have a good one. 

Anyway... It seems like each week I fall in love with this man all over again. We post silly shit on each other's facebook pages and share the same facial expressions when our kids get on our nerves. We also have those moments when we just have to laugh at each other and it makes my heart melt. He washes the dishes after I make dinner in the evenings and he let's me watch the news before bed, even though he really doesn't enjoy it much. 

We share the same tastes in music and the same attitudes toward life. But, we're not exactly the same. That would be boring. I don't let life get me down anymore and he complains a lot. We kinda share advice on life like that. I try to teach him to give less fucks each day and he tries to teach me to dislike humanity even more. 

My husband is a wonderful father. He works his ass off so I can keep our kids in line, or at least try to. He plays superheroes with our son so I can do homework with our daughter. It's a good balance and I don't know what we would do without him.

He doesn't care if he comes home and I haven't had time to shower. He never have noticed the extra pounds I have put on through the years. He buys me more jewelry than I will ever have time to wear. He lets me pick out which movies we watch on the weekends even if he's been dying to see [insert macho movie title here] and I'd rather watch something funny. 

We drink together on the weekends enjoy staying in bed past 6am, which is truly a treat on the weekends when you have kids. He doesn't get mad when he comes home and I'm cranky and want to order pizza. He gives back rubs when his back hurts more and isn't afraid of public displays of passion. 

What I'm trying to get at is I love my husband. He is my best friend. He's everything. I almost can't wait to see what the next 10 years bring us. And then 10 after that and after that until we are old and grey and changing each other's diapers. 

I love you, Mark. 


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