Dating games

I vowed years ago to never become the kind of parent that never has time for my spouse. I read do many articles,  stories and Facebook posts from parents that never make time for each other.

That's never going to be us.

I make sure of that.

We may not go our for dinner and it's been too long since we've seen a movie in the theater, but we make time for each other.

We have hot chocolate dates when it's cold out. I make hot choclate, he finds something to watch On Demand and we cuddle under blankets on the couch.

That's just one of the many things we do.

I feel bad for the parents that complain about not having time for each other. I also want to slap them and tell them to make time. Happy parents have happier kids. Happy parents are healthy.

Really,  it's an easy thing to do. Just get creative.

Tonight it's mini choclate cake and Big Bang Theory night. What's your plan?


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