
Guess I dropped the ball on blogging yesterday. It was a busy day, and that was even before the Super Bowl.

Today was a good Monday. Except that I'm doing laundry and all I want to do it eat potato chips in bed. Which is a bad idea anyway.

I love my job right now. I've always loved my job, but now I'm doing something I can be more passionate about I guess. I have great bosses and a great team. It gets frustrating at times, but if it didn't it wouldn't be work, right?

I need to start measuring my accomplishments rather than my "to-dos" each week. I got grocery shopping done. I did my taxes. I'm doing laundry 'cos I don't have any clean work pants for tomorrow...

That's all I got right now. I have to go put my kids to bed so I can start eating chips in mine....


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