
I've had tears in my eyes too many times today.

First, Bella loses her first tooth during dinner and she thinks she swallowed it. That made me super disappointed since I have keepsake boxes for each kid for their teeth and locks of hair from their first cuts. But then,  my super smart husband roots through her spaghetti and finds her tiny little tooth. Yeah, I finally cried a little.

The Logan gets his new bed this evening and is so incredibly happy, it's not even funny. Which was the perfect end to the day that he took initiative to pee on the potty himself.

I am about to lose it. I don't have babies anymore. I have a beautiful young lady and a very happy big boy. At least I can step back and be a little proud myself. I incubated those growing babies and have taught them quite a bit. They are growing up to be such awesome little people! I am so proud I could just cry. And I am.

I need a hug. I think it's time to jump in my comfy bed with my honey and let it all out.


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