It's my life

Don't you forget.

I kinda did for a minute there.  Until in was laying in bed last night trying my hardest to get some sleep.

I've always held taking care of myself to great importance. I've also held on to the commitment I made to myself to not talk about being tired all the time. Both those things led me to a little realization. I need to do a little more for me. I've been doing my nails again.  And this week I started bleaching my teeth again and super moisturizing my face before bed. I already feel a lot better. 

I've also been able to seek advice when I'm the person with all the answers. I'm happy I made the decision to do that. I felt relieved today. 

This weekend I'm going to work out and not worry about all the things I need to do. I don't care if I run out of time. I'm going to measure my success in what I can accomplish while putting myself first and not making lists of crap that isn't priority.

Watch out life, I don't just have you by the balls, I've tightened my grip.


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