An open letter to my husband

I tell you every day how much I love you and I will never stop. You have been there with me to hell and back, time and time again. Those trips aren't even worth recounting unless it's to remind myself just how much you mean to me. 

You hold my hand through every step I take in this life. You are quick to pick me up every time I fall. You bandage my scraped knees and kiss my aches and pains away. Love is the best medicine I have ever had and you give me an abundance of it.

I love to just look at you sometimes. I can get lost in your eyes, they're the most gorgeous green that I've ever seen. They truly are little windows to your soul, so full of the universe and everything that entails. I like to point out the ways you've changed through the years we've been together. The little white hairs in your beard remind me that we're growing old together. They match the silvery strands in my hair that I have chosen to keep dying away. Maybe one day I'll embrace them and love them as much as I love yours. Your tattoos tell a story. It's the story of us since each one you've gotten was always with me by your side. Although they mean different things to you, it's still a small part of me imbedded in your skin forever. 

You are am amazing father. I know you don't feel like it at times, but I see it every day how great you are. I think the greatness comes from your willing to learn and grow with our children. You have mastered admitting when you're wrong, which is the one of the greatest lessons you can teach them. They'll see a that a strong person is strongest when they admit their weaknesses, learn from them, and fix them. This is also something I am learning from you. 

You are my partner for life and remind me of that each time we just talk. Sometimes it's not always easy to start the conversations and they can involve tears and anger and even laughter. As long as the conversations are always there, we'll still be going strong. Talking over things with you gives me the strength to be a better person and to preserver in the things life throws at us. It makes me a better listener and a better wife. It solidifies our partnership. Maybe one day we can look back and see these conversations as pieces to how we've mastered life. It's our imperfect story of love. 

I wish I could take all your sorrows, all your pain, physical and mental, and take them for myself to turn them into something beautiful. I wish I could heal your body so together we can heal your soul. I wish I could make you mostly leave your past in your past or even make you see that that kind of pain isn't worth holding on to. I will be there to always keep moving you forward, though, and show you all the beautiful things life will keep giving us. 

Thank you for loving me. For loving my imperfections. For taking away my pain. You are my rock, my cloud, and my heart. I love you. I love you more and more every day. I love you in new ways time and time again. And the things I love you for keep piling up day after day, week after week. I don't think they'll ever stop. You're the silver lining when I can't find one. You are the biggest part of me. Thank you for giving me a part of you and showing me that you love me too. 


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