January 13th, 2019

Last night I lay in bed, wide awake, thinking and feeling everything in my life at all once. I felt like that evening last week when the sky was dark and grey all day and then, ever so slowly, the clouds opened up to reveal the sunset. One by one, an aura of beauty was revealed as each color shone in the sky. It was yellow and then orange. Pink arched through the clouds as they turned to purple. Then the last bit of blue shone through before it darkened into the night sky. I felt every color rushing through me as an emotion. Anger. Grief. Pain. Solace. As the stars began to shine through their blanket of dark, I began to match each point with something in my mind. I still don't know how to feel, but I know I felt that sunset and then a pinch of light with each star in the sky.


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