More Tamales, Day 20

I slept terribly last night. I woke up in the middle of a dream with intense pain in my feet and legs. It took a while for a muscle relaxer to kick in, but I fell back asleep for the most part.
I gave in and took a vicodin this morning to stay on top of the pain. It helped. I was able to run the last errand I needed to run. I even wrapped a few more presents. I guess now its feeling like crunch time. I can't put things off like I have been.

It's my hope to be able to get in the kitchen tomorrow. I want to make some peanut clusters and I'm still itching to make lemon curd. I was also going to attempt a small batch of scones if I have the energy. We also still have sugar cookies to frost at mom's house. 

I think I'm just blogging my to-do list now! So boring, I know. For me, it's a help to get all this mundane crap out of my brain.

Also, I'm sitting at Chuck E. Cheese, so this was my little bit of quiet time today.


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