January 21st, 2019 - 10 days til surgery

The pantry was definitely my inner self forcing me to live that metaphor. I feel like everything is a mess right now. There's so much going on. So much noise. So much on my plate. We've gotten through this before. It's the little victories that pull us through.

Saturday evening and ran a quick errand to pick up some much needed medicine. I ran into an old coworker that really brightened my day. It was nice to see someone that I enjoyed working with. It was even super cool that she wished me a happy birthday, remembering that our birthdays are a day apart. It's those little details that people remember that make you feel good.

After the nice conversation, I headed home. On the corner of the street on the way home I see a little blonde girl with her dad standing, holding a Girl Scout Cookie sign. It immediately made me think of my Bellini and her dad. They were such a perfect cookie selling team. It's been bittersweet not selling cookies this year. I had to stop and buy a box, especially to surprise Bellini with fulfilling our goal this cookie season. We're going to try to buy a box of cookies or make a donation to Cookies for Military at every cookie booth we come across. That makes the bittersweet a little more sweet for us.

The weekend didn't stop shining for me. It must have been that super blood wolf moon last night.

On Sunday, I got to spend time with my best friend, my sister, Aunt Tay! It had been far far too long. I'm so glad I did what I always to try do.... I simply texted her. It seems weird to say because I could text her any time. Why did I wait so long to do it? I think sometimes communication with my friends is my 'impossible task.' (Please tell me you've heard all about that) I sometimes find it difficult to answer a text. It's not that I'm angry or I don't care or anything negative. It's simply my impossible task.

Today I sit in the doctor's office, wondering if there will be anything done to bring any peace of mind. I wonder how hard I will have to fight. How much I sill have to plea. Will I back down out of defeat? Or will I hold on to my pursuit? Time will tell.


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