October Eve

I've been searching for interesting writing prompts for October. I haven't really found any that make me excited to write. I really can't describe jumping in a pile of leaves, because, well, Arizona... or why I love sweaters and boots, because, again, Arizona. The high yesterday as 97 and we hit 99 today before the rain came. I was hoping to open the door and let the cool air and the smell of rain in, but there is no cool air. Maybe we'll cool down the next few days since we're expecting rain.

I think tomorrow I'll take out more Halloween decorations. I just have to postpone decorating outside until after vacation. I don't need some asshat stealing my decorations or lights. I really don't trust anyone around here lately. Are you scratching your head wondering what decorations I could possibly take out being as it's pretty much Halloween every day in my house with the life sized skeleton behind the recliner and the bat curtains in the dining room? I can always add more!! I'm basically one of those goth kids that never grew out of that phase. And I love it.

It's time to get my littles ready for school tomorrow. I'm ready to relax and eat candy corn and dream about all things October.


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