September Fifth

Today is a special birthday post all about my little nugget of joy! Happy Birthday Loki! Today you're 7 and I still remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. It took a lot to get you here safely and every day I'm thankful that I was given the opportunity to have you, even when doctors said it was impossible. Nothing's impossible and you're the living, breathing example of that! I love that you are so bright and you have such a passion to build things. You have such a big heart and are willing to help everyone and anyone. Never let that go! You will do great things in life. Always make the right choices, and even when you don't, have the mind to examine why. Life never gets easier, but it can be fulfilling and full of fun and happiness as long as you keep choosing those things every day. Work hard, but love harder.  These are some of the things that I hope to always show you. I love you, little dude. Today is going to be, in your words, EPIC!


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