September Fourteenth

Today I think about all the awesome stuff mom's teach us. And it's a smack down to reality when, even at 37, I am still learning from my mom. This last month, she has told me all the things I needed to hear. Things that force me to look at my life from a different perspective because I needed to be reminded that my life is always going to be bigger than me. My mom has given me so much strength through all my life and she continues to do that, without skipping a beat. My mom believes in all the things I can do and pushes me to do them, even when I think I can't. I know we don't always see eye to eye, but if we did, I wouldn't gain that other perspective that I need. (And I hope when my daughter gets older, she realizes this too!)

Today we are celebrating my mom's birthday. No, I'll leave her age out of it. It's just a number, right? And does it matter? Birthdays aren't about getting older. Birthdays are about celebrating the day the universe breathed life into flesh and blood and brought us someone to love. The universe did awesome with my mom, even if it dropped a little too much stubborn into the mix. Although I can usually articulate just how awesome she is, I can't today. I just want to thank my lucky stars that I have her. I want to let her know she means more than all those lucky stars in the universe to me. Happy Birthday, Mom!

Now it's time for cheesecake and enchiladas.


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