September Ninteenth

Currently waiting at a new OBGYNs office for a HRT consultation. Maybe I won't get told that it's impossible for me to have endometriosis or that there's nothing he can do for me. I'm nervous. I don't usually get nervous with doctors, but today I am.

Update: OMG, I love my new OBGYN! He agreed that I very likely have endometriosis lesions and definitely at least have adhesions again. He agreed to start me on progesterone to see if it helps curb the symptoms I'm having. 

I haven't really paid too much attention lately just because of everything in my life, but nausea has been quite a big symptom for me. I was actually surprised to see that I've lost some weight in the last few weeks, despite not being on my low carb, healthy eating path. I am not a breakfast person, but a lot of days even lunch is hard to get down. Hell, today I got an order of cheese curds and I wasn't the least bit upset about sharing them with my hungry offspring. I even let them have the last few. Odd because... well... FRIED CHEESE is life, right?

Anyway. I'm starting my new prescription tonight and I go in for blood work tomorrow and then follow up in 4 weeks (we moved it back because, well, vacation!). If blood work comes back abnormal, I'll get a call sooner. We're also checking my thyroid again since I've had thyroid issues (Graves Disease) off on and since 2008. This is the first time in a long time that I've had a doctor interested in blood work. I'm thrilled because treating hormonal issues needs to coincide with current hormone levels, amirite?

My take away here is this... NEVER give up. If your current doctor doesn't seem interested in helping you or dismisses your concerns (or flat out tells you that you don't have a condition despite having current medical records, surgical pictures, and pathology reports that prove otherwise), you have every right to get another opinion. Hell, before I found my favorite OBGYN that helped me for years before retiring, I had seen 4 different ones that all dismissed my concerns. It felt like universe opened up and every star in the sky lit up when she told me that we needed to get to the bottom of my infrequent periods and constant pain. 

Also, NEVER let anyone tell you that your pain is normal! I don't care what kind of pain either... pelvic pain, back pain, shoulder pain, etc, are NOT NORMAL! Pain is something we feel either physically or psychologically that lets us know something is wrong. In its simplest definition, pain tells us to remove our finger from a hot pain before we get burned, to bandage up a cut, to remove a splinter. We don't think it's normal to keep touching a hot pan, thus increasing the severity of a burn. We don't think it's normal to let a cut bleed and become infected. We don't think it's normal to keep walking on a foot that has a splinter stuck in it. So, why would we accept that it's normal to feel pain internally? IT IS NOT NORMAL AT ALL TO ACCEPT PAIN AND YOUR DOCTOR SHOULD NOT CONVINCE YOU OTHERWISE. 


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