September Sixth

I'm not currently very happy with Blogger's integration of their mobile app and desktop site. My blog post that I started working on this morning was just eaten. And that's not the first time that's happened. I'm also wholly disappointed in the app. I love using it for blogging on the go, especially on the treadmill, but it has so many glitches, it's annoying. I cannot post pictures to my blog from the mobile app and that sucks.

Bitching aside, today I had a couple epiphanies. Is that allowed? Can someone really have more than one in a 24 hour period? Is that why my anxiety showed up after these lovely, revealing moments in my day?

First, I have been keeping track of what I do every day and how I feel at the end. I've come to the conclusion that about 4 hours of activity (cleaning, shopping, just being up and on the go) is about all I can handle right now. I'm hoping to increase this a bit so I can be functional when I go back to work. I would like to be able to work a 4 hour shift and come home and be a fully functional mom in the evenings. Between dinner, homework, and prepping for the next day, I get pretty wiped out. I'm usually in bed shortly after the kids are in bed. I think working longer hours and then momming it up in the evenings will likely result in more flare ups. I still have time to work on this until I do go back to work, but I like to have a game plan. I want to be in decent health for the holidays.

Second, I think I finally have a final content formula for my other blog that I will be launching early next year. I have been struggling with making each post flow together and be easy to grab information out of. The content is there, but I noticed some posts are superfluous and some are pretty short and two the point. I want to learn toward to latter, but still have enough content to be interesting and to hold a voice. I've got a bit of work to do over the next two months, but it's work that I love.

Oh sweet candy corn, I just gave myself a heart attack. I started typing after this picture and everything disappeared! I almost had a meltdown. 

I found this idea online to make a Halloween countdown calendar, which is like an advent calendar. I really need some extra toilet paper rolls if anyone has some they'd like to part with, I'll be happy to take them off your hands. This is assuming you're a crafter and save lots of things like I do. It's a mild version of hoarding. But, I swear, if I don't use things, I usually just toss them in the recycling bin. I also need a dollar store trip. I really really wanna do this. Along with all the other projects I've started. So, I better go and work on things until it's sleepy time.


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