Halloween Fifth

I wanted to feel like I accomplished something this morning, so I made myself a to do list. It's very long and I should have put it in order of what needs to be done first. I figure it's ok if I take all weekend to finish the list. I also was thinking if I should reward myself between finishing tasks. I have some bakery treats, but no appetite. That won't work. I guess I'll reward myself by keeping the TV on and taking mind numbing breaks. Can't go wrong with Halloween things to watch. Let's see how this goes....

0910, the bathroom is clean. Sitting down for a few minutes of "Halloween Wars" on food network. I don't know why I love this so much. 

1413, the kitchen is clean, the pool is put away for next year, and I've cleaned up paperwork on my desk. I have also showered and curled my hair for the day. Halloween stuff is also out of the shed and in the house and I've put up a whole two things. It's a start. I have about 15 minutes before it's time to pick up my chickens from school. Then, it's off for errands. I hate errands. I hate driving around. At least it's quick stuff and I don't have to go more than 3 miles from my house. That's gotta count for something, right?

It was a long day. I find myself just holding on trying to get through the next few days.  I can't wait to be free and explore. It's a vacation for the family, but more of a reset for my mind and body. This trip feels like the pivotal transition for the rest of the year.  


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