Halloween Twentieth

To be honest, I'm writing this blog a few days late. I had such an amazing weekend, I kinda made blog notes, but that's as far as I got.

I spent most of my Saturday with my tribe, including 13 kiddos and some pretty amazing adults. Man, I needed that connection so badly. I am so incredibly grateful for having other parents that I can relate to. Not that I didn't have that at all, but it just feels great to click as part of a group. 

I think all adults, parents or not, need friends. And not just people we see on occasion. I believe we need the kind of friends that we can laugh and share with or even swing to the other extreme and share our grief with and, of course, everything in between that. Plus, it's a bonus for me when there are other parents, no matter the age of the kids. Kids need friends too and when they can learn to relate to kids of different ages, it builds on their social skills. Really, we just all need friends. That's it, plain and simple. Find your tribe, your village, your community and help make it grow and shine. Everyone gets something out of it, no matter how much you are able to put into it. 

Now, your homework between now and Halloween is to reach out to someone you consider a friend. Talk to them, take them out for coffee, write a letter or a note or a card. It doesn't have to be extravagant, but you need to do it. You'll feel much better, and, better yet, you'll make someone's day. Plus, this is the perfect time of the year to "boo" someone. No, no, not bad boo, but a Halloween treat boo. Google it. Right now. Go. I'll wait....

OK, now you know what sending a "boo" is, right? Commence the "boos!"


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