Halloween First

I'm excited that it's October, because I finally get to show my true self! Ok, well, that seems so cliché now that I said it. I love all things Halloween! My house is Halloween every day of the year, but in October, the rest of the world joins us. 

I want the month to go slow. I go back to work tomorrow, very very part time. I'd say I'm nervous, but I'm just preparing myself for the storm. It's busy season, but this year I am not going to work myself into a flare up or what ever else happens to my body when I stress out. Work exists without me and I exist without work. I can accomplish what I will in the hours that I am working and not worry about what I cannot accomplish in those hours. Plus, with the new pay increases, I'm almost back to working new hire wages. Yes, we all deserve a living wage, but when you have employees that after working for a company for 18 years will be making what every new person makes, it's just a big middle finger. Yet another reason it's time to move on. 


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