Halloween Ninth

I think this year I finally have learned to appreciate the beauty around me. I'm enjoying being outside and being on the go. There is a solace to nature that stops time and brings comfort to a weary mind. You stop being a slave to life and start to exist as you should.

This is the first time I've enjoyed a long drive. I'm no longer paying attention to the road or the miles or the time. I'm thinking of ways to describe the blue of the distant mountains that shift to grey as we get nearer. Blues that join the sky farther off in the distance as the mountains melt into the horizon and your eyes strain to see more. Blues that turn grey as the mountains come closer into view. Slowly I can see the blue fade completely and the grey turns to brown and then begins to show bits of green. I enjoy watching the colors shift like a living work of art. The more your eyes take it in, the more you see and feel and connect with.

Soon we'll see the leaves change as the northern landscape dresses for fall. It's something we really don't get to enjoy in the southern part of the state. Much like fall temps don't come around until the holidays. The change will be nice. No, it'll be better than nice. I'll want to stay forever.


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