Halloween Twenty Ninth

I had the most amazing weekend! That makes two in a row. I hope we keep this as the current trend. 

Friday was our first PTO event at the school. Sonoran Science East PTO First Annual Trunk-Or-Treat! I was so surprised at the amazing turn out as well as all the helping hands we had! The event even came together without any huge snags! It was a little stressful, I'll admit, but it was worth all the work we put into it. I'm excited to start planning more!

Saturday we celebrated the life of the woman that showed me what friendship is all about. And we celebrated together as an amazing tribe of people. Linnea, you gave me the one thing that I had needed and searched for and that is an amazing group of people that are so full of love and caring. You showed me it was OK to be me, with all my flaws and everything. You welcomed me and my family into the tribe and we will forever be grateful for that. My kids are surrounded by other amazing kids and they are care for by so many people. My husband and I have found friends that we can be ourselves around. We can share all the things that life throws at us. We don't have to be afraid. My friend, I miss you dearly and I often find myself sad that we didn't get to be together for a long time. But in those moments of sadness, I always find myself remembering that you left me with so much happiness and so many people to build up the happiness. I still find myself wondering what you'd text back to the silly things I think about. I also held your voice telling me to take it easy with everything I've been doing these last few weeks. Through you, I've found balance, which I think you know I've needed. In return, I will always be there for all the parts of you I have found in the hearts of others. For me, that's been the best way to honor you.

Now I look forward to all the fun to be had and the good times to come. I'm not saying I won't be sad, but in those moments when I am, I can easily remind myself of all the happiness I've found. 


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