August Thirty First

61 days until Halloween, even thought it's basically Halloween year round in my house. More importantly, there's only two hours until the other half of my heart gets back from his work trip. I'm so excited! I have been trying to keep busy around the house all morning. I even got crafty for about an hour and then made sure everything around the house was perfect. I even waited to put on my lipstick so it was carefully applied and had no chances of smudging. If you don't know already, I'm totally a type-A perfectionist. I have been thinking a lot these last few days about all the aspects of having endometriosis. A lot of the message boards and groups I am part of have posted interview type questions lately and I wonder what any of you would ask me about having endometriosis. I'm curious if anyone is reading this and for those that do, would you take the time to post a question. Not only will it help me put the noise in my head into words, but it will help ...