Happy New Year... Just a little late

I never do resolutions. But, never say never, right??

This year I promised myself I'd spend more time with my friends. I'm happy to report that I have been taking time out at least once a month for that very purpose. 

I'm also happy to report that 2016 has been pain free for me. I've started walking again. Running too, until I pulled ligaments in my foot. My weight is down again and my clothes are fitting more comfortably. I've managed to not need any pain medication, anti depressants, anxiety meds or even my metformin. Partly this is due to the fact that I had my last ovary removed the day before Thanksgiving. It was shitty timing, but I was eating pain killers like candy to get through work each day. As much as I wanted to wait on having the procedure done, I'm glad I didn't. The hormone replacement therapy is wonderful and I completely feel like my old self. I'm still a little afraid of waking up one day with a swollen belly and terrible pain, but the fear diminishes with every passing day. 

I've also been inspired to start blogging again. I am going to try my best to set aside time each day to either blog or work on my crafts. I currently have a scrapbook that is about a quarter complete and I also have a stack of shirts that need revamping. 

Here's to a beautiful 2016 to each and everyone!


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