

Another round of surgery, another disappointment. Well, sort of. Wednesday morning I went in to have my Implanon removed and have my tubes tied. I was also supposed to have more scar tissue removed and possibly have my left ovary removed, since after my last surgery, it was most likely non-functional. I had explained to my doctor that I was starting to have bad pain again. The pain started out as cramps about a month and a half ago and in the last two weeks has been more like sharp stabbing pain. My tubes were tied, but other than that, the surgery turned out to be more exploratory. My left ovary had attached itself to my uterus, making it really difficult and risky to remove. My surgery was done at an outpatient surgery center, not at a hospital, which is probably where some of the risk came from. I probably also have another band of scar tissue that needs to be removed. My doctor explained to my grandma, who was with me for the surgery, that I will probably still be pain. N

Party Planning 101 - Part 1

You just looked at your calendar and you just did a double take remembering you only have two months to plan a party for [insert special occasion here]. Where to start?! What to do?! Well, I’m here to help you have a spectacular party that your guests will actually enjoy! As long as you have your date set, it’s time to start planning. First, plan a guest list. It’s important to know if you’re going to have a big party or a small party. A kid’s party, an adult party, a ladies only party, any kind of party must start with a guest list. I’ll use my most recent large event as an example for this 101 tutorial. Both my kids had birthdays this month. My son turned 1 and my daughter turned 5. We decided to just do a double birthday party here at home about 6 months before the actual event. I started making a list of family first, then added my daughter’s pre-school friends, then other family and friends. I believe we had a guest list with a total of about 100 people. It sounds like a lo

Happy Birthday, Baby Boy!

Happy Birthday to my son, Mark Logan! It's been an awesome year for us! From late nights to reflux and now to Happy Meals and learning to walk! I think today deserves a few tears. It's still a little bittersweet knowing that my baby will soon be my toddler and there won't ever be anymore late night feedings or bottles to wash. Who knows, maybe it'll just hit me out of no where, or it won't hit me at all since I'm busy preparing for the party this weekend. 

I declare it another vodka day... actually, I need a whole bottle of wine...

Well, I have lost 3 pounds in the last two months. So, I guess maybe it does burn a few. Ah, well, I've had an eventful day and week. It started with my doctor appointment on Tuesday. I was going to get this damn Implanon thing taken out and instead, we decided to do it when I go in for surgery again. Great! I'm having my tubes tied and possibly, my left ovary removed if it is really as fucked up as we think it is. No problem there. I was hoping to have it done in the next two weeks as the doctor implied, but when they called, they gave me the date of September 5th. Oh hell no. Not that week. I told the lady I wanted it done next week or ASAP. She hasn't called back. So, well.... waiting anxiously for all that crap to happen. I've had this kind of surgery twice already, but I'm nervous as fuck about it. Maybe it's also that having my tubes tied is pretty permanent. I really know I don't want any more kids, but a little part of me is sad that I won't

I declare it time for an orange soda and whipped cream vodka...

It officially feels like 4th of July was months ago. School starts for Bella tomorrow and I am a mess. Well, that and other things. It feels like my baby is growing up too fast. I never cried when she started Preschool, but I think this may be different. I guess I won't truly know until tomorrow morning. I think I'm still in a fog from practicing waking up and getting the kids ready to leave the house by 5 after 8 this morning. Bed time is going to be extra early tonight. I gotta get ready to take pictures tomorrow morning too. Yeah, I'm that mom. I gotta cherish the moment. Plus, I need as many goofy faced pictures as I can get for when she decides to start dating.  I'm keeping this short. I got some chicken on the new grill outside. I don't want a burnt ass dinner. No one does. I'll tell you about my adventures in doctor's appointments later... tomorrow... maybe. One thing at a time... And one drink at a time. Gotta pace myself.

Extra money, where's yours?

If you're a normal human being, the subject of saving money has crossed your mind at least once recently. If you watch the news and hear about the grim economy, you've thought about money. If you have kids that will be starting school soon, you most certainly have thought about money. I have been thinking about it day and night it seems. Since I have demoted to being a very part time employee and devoted my time to my kids, money has been at the forefront of my mind. I've thought about saving more, spending less and keeping a tight budget and I have recently put some idea into action. First off, we all have bills. Rent, mortgage, car insurance, electricity, cable, gas, cel phone, car payments.... the list just goes on and one. But, how many of us really look at each bill before we pay it every month? I mean, when was the last time you looked at your car insurance bill before sending the check or signing up for auto pay? I admit, I don't dig deep into my car insur

X marks the spot...

Yeah, a matchstick that makes your life hell. Well, actually, not for the first 5 months at least. And I guess I need to put some of my blame on the surgery I had in May.... But, since June I've been feeling like crap. I got a period after not having one for 7 months and the day before that came on, I had a migraine that kept me in bed all day. Then, after 7 days of a heavy period, I got a few days of rest, more headaches and then another period!! OK, my hormones are out of whack! I am also so anxious and angry and tired all the time. Today seemed like a good day to cry to me and also a good day to pick up the phone and call my OBGYN. I thought about going back to my endocrinologist since he said I may need surgery again and he could tie my tubes, but I'd have to go to my OBGYN to get the implant removed. So, I figured I'd just try to see one doctor. I figure she could take the damn thing out, tie my tubes, remove scar tissue and assess my ovaries in one swift move. Ho